Recently I asked for feedback and many of you emailed me back with great ideas.
I heard you!!!
Here is a short video where I address 10 issues that YOU made me aware of and I give some possible solutions.
Please be sure to comment at the End of this post if you have any other ideas or suggestions! Thank you.
Summary – so you can hop to the right issue for you:
0:38 – 1. The arrangements are too Tricky!
2:15 – 2. Can you have a Better Difficulty Filter?
2:47 – 3. Lack of Tabs
4:47 – 4. Long Wait on Replies
5:49 – 5. Long Wait on New Lessons
8:36 – 6. Some Material I Paid For is FREE?
9:44 – 7. List of Tunes on Site?
10:41 – 8. Not Enough Practice Time, Wanting to Cancel Membership Because of this…
11:20 – 9. Can you have a monthly Plan or Restrict Access, Make More Expensive for VIP, etc.
12:28 – 10. Make little easy bite sized lessons (like other websites)!
Solution Overview
For in depth explanations of these “Solutions” refer to the video above. You can cut right to the issue by referring to the time stamp in the summary list.
Quick answers:
1. Arrangements are too Tricky!
Solution: Make easier versions of tunes already on site.
2. Can you have a Better Difficulty Filter?
Solution: The easier versions will help this.
3. Lack of Tabs:
Solution: Make a walkthrough of the V 1.0 vids with tabs.
4. Long Wait on Replies:
Solution: Week 4 of each month will be reply week. If I am on tour, it will be week 3.
5. Long Wait on New Lessons:
Solution: I messed up. Realistically I can do 6 per year. Please take advantage of the feedback, not just my material.
Also – I am turning down gigs as we speak to better divide my year. This will free up resources starting in 2018.
6. Some Material I Paid For is FREE?
Solution: I create free material to lure in email subscribers, and with a few items like Vitamin E blues, I reserve the right to do that.
Also so many of you were asking about the jazz improv, it made sense to give you the Jazz DVD.
7. List of Tunes on Site?
Solution: Email me, or sign up for the free trial. I may put a list out there but I am cautious as the videos are not licensed.
8. Not Enough Practice Time.
Solution I understand! If life gets busy, you can always ask me for a pause.
9. Can you have a monthly Plan or Restrict Access, Make More Expensive for VIP, etc.
Solution: TBA.
10. Make little easy lessons (like other websites)!
Solution: There are other sites for that stuff. That’s hop around channel surfing.